Sales Consultant
Throughout her career, Tania has showcased her versatility and adaptability in leadership roles encompassing sales, marketing, and operations across the hospitality, travel and tourism industries.
One notable accomplishment in Tania's professional journey was her successful management of the transition of Sydney Visitor Information Centres from the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority to a profitable commercial business under private ownership. This involved overseeing logistics, training, operations and the profitability of the two centres, while forging and nurturing valuable stakeholder relationships.
Within the hotel sector, Tania has worked in a number of hotel groups and independent properties and has been responsible for developing and executing sales and marketing strategies across the inbound, business events and corporate markets.
Tania has been consulting with Mayvin Global since 2019 and has supported business development, adminstration and sales activities for our company and our clients.
Connect with Tania